A Well Travelled Notebook

A Well Travelled Notebook

After the success of From The Purple Notebook we decided to publish a second anthology that ended up being called A Well Travelled Notebook. Unlike From The Purple Notebook the title didn’t come from one of the pieces, instead it was suggested by Sally Thomson after it became clear that an accidental theme was appearing from all the stories that had been submitted which was travel.

As you may have noticed above, there was a couple of additional members to the editorial team for this year’s anthology with the aforementioned Sally Thomson along with Norman Geddes joining the original team of Eric McFarlane, Anne E. Edwards and Stephen Shirres.

Like last time we asked our members to submit up to three pieces from which we would select at least one from each person to be included. As last time the quality was high with many members getting multiple pieces being included.

A Well Travelled Notebook was launched on Friday the 20th of November at West Lothian Write at the Howden Park Centre where we sold all the copes we brought with us. If you would like to buy a copy of the book you can do so here. They cost £5.00.

A Well Travelled Notebook contains work from the following writers:

The book also contains articles about West Lothian Writers including the Successes of West Lothian Writers and the workshops we’ve run.

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